Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Limits Of Smart Power In Congo

The Limits of Smart Power -- David Axe, American Prospect

Can the U.S. military end the epidemic of sexual violence in Congo without getting involved in another endless conflict?

In February 2006, an army of rapists descended on Duru, a farming community of 5,000 in eastern Congo. They called themselves, without a trace of irony, the "Lord's Resistance Army."

Twenty-three years ago in neighboring Uganda, under firebrand founder Joseph Kony, the LRA fought to establish a bizarre voodoo-Christian theocracy in the country's impoverished, neglected north. Soundly defeated by the Ugandan army in 2006, the LRA fled westward into the thickly forested, poorly governed border region of Congo, Sudan, and Central African Republic. There, the rebels have lost all touch with their politics and fight only to survive. To eat, they murder farmers and pillage their fields. To keep up their numbers, they kidnap and brainwash little boys. For recreation, they catch and keep girls.

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My Comment
: A sobering analysis on the limits of power (smart power) in conflict zones like The Congo.

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