Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spot The Secret Service Agents

When in America: Cameron's Eton education may have been more about cricket and rugby than the world famous American sport but he looked to be enjoying himself at the game and at one point threw his head backing laughing

Obama Lays Down The Rules Of The Game (After All, There Wouldn't Have Been Much Basketball At Eton) -- Daily Mail

* Two world leaders were courtside at a college basketball game in Dayton, Ohio
* David Cameron treated to trip on board the president's private jet, Air Force One
* British PM admits game is 'pretty fast and furious' - Obama quips he wants to learn cricket in return

David Cameron risked no end of White Men Can't Jump jokes as he joined President Barack Obama on the basketball court for the first photo opportunity of the British Prime Minister's three-day tour to the United States.

The two world leaders were seen watching at a college basketball game in Ohio, and Mr Obama's hand gestures (along with Mr Cameron's puzzled expressions) seemed to give away the fact that our man in the U.S. perhaps didn't quite grasp the finer points of the rules.

Perhaps the slight cultural clash stems from Mr Cameron's education at Eton, where cricket is very much the order of the day.
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My Comment: What a difference in this relationship .... unlike when Gordon Brown was Prime Minister.

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