Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Nato Approves New Measures To Prevent Attacks On Foreign Personnel

Ospreys carrying the delegation of US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta leave at Forward Operating Base Shukvani, Afghanistan Photo: REUTERS

Nato Approved Measures To Prevent Attacks On Foreign Personnel Day Before Alleged Leon Panetta Attack -- The Telegraph

Nato approved new measures to prevent attacks on foreign personnel by their Afghan allies only the day before an Afghan worker apparently used his car to try to attack Leon Panetta American defence secretary at Camp Bastion.

Trust between Nato forces and their Afghan comrades has been severely undermined by a spate of “green on blue” killings where Afghan security forces have turned their guns on their foreign allies.

Fear of such attacks has increased after the recent nationwide anger over the burning of Korans led to the suspected reprisal killing of six American soldiers, including two senior military advisers.

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My Comment: They had no choice but to institute these measures. “Green on blue” killings coupled with growing Afghan anger over incidents like the burning of Korans and the massacre of Afghan civilians by a rogue US sergeant has changed the dynamics on the ground .... and not for the best.

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