Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- March 14, 2012

Not Really So Smart: Where Iran Sanctions Go Wrong -- Amir Taheri, New York Post

Until a few weeks ago, the Obama administration’s declared goal on Iran was to prevent it from reaching the “threshold” in building nuclear weapons. These days, a new goal is emerging: to persuade Israel not to launch military strikes against Iran’s nuclear facilities.

To that end, the administration is doing two things.

First, a bit of saber-rattling of its own: Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who recently described war against Iran as “insane,” now says that “military options” are under study. The message to Israel: Do nothing — we’ll move when the time comes.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

To strike Iran's nuclear facilities or not to strike? Why polls differ. -- Howard LaFranchi, Christian Science Monitor

Dr. Strangelove, Israel and Iran - Harlan Ullman, New Atlanticist

Obama’s troubled handling of Afghanistan -- Washington Post editorial

Shape a Peaceful Afghan Exit -- Anatol Lieven, New York Times

It’s time to cut our losses in Afghanistan -- Fred Kaplan, National Post

What America Should Have Learned From Imperial Britain's Afghan Defeat -- Seth G. Jones, The Atlantic

Diary: Inside Syria's Revolt -- Jonathan Steele, London Review of Books

Syria a chemical weapon ‘powder keg ready to explode,’ experts fear -- Peter Goodspeed, National Post

Caught in Egypt’s Political Cross-Fire -- Eric Trager, New York Times

Israel's War on 'Terror Infrastructure' Is an Illusion -- Zvi Bar'el, Haaretz

François Hollande, the Avenger
-- Alexander Goerlach, The European

Tokyo Is Still Waiting for the 'Big One' -- Todd Crowell, Real Clear World

Population in the Asian Century -- Peter McDonald, East Asia Forum

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