Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Afghanistan War News Updates -- March 14, 2012

Long-Planned Visit Lands Panetta in Tense Afghanistan -- New York Times

CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan — Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta landed here Wednesday morning for an unannounced and tense visit, the first by a senior member of the Obama administration since an American soldier reportedly killed 16 Afghan civilians, mostly children and women.

The two-day visit was planned months ago, but it has taken on a new urgency since an American staff sergeant slipped out of a military base in the southern province of Kandahar on Sunday and, according to villagers and senior defense officials, went door to door in nearby villages, shooting civilians.

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More News On Afghanistan

US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta in surprise Afghan visit -- BBC
Panetta in Afghanistan After Civilian massacre -- Voice of America
Afghan shooting: Panetta visits wary Afghanistan -- Christian Science Monitor
U.S. defense chief in Afghanistan as bombs kill 9 -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Panetta acknowledges troubling events in Afghanistan -- Asia One/AFP
Panetta: US Shooting Will Not Undermine US-Afghan Relations -- Voice of America
U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta arrives in Afghanistan; pledges no change in strategy -- Washington Post
U.S. Defense Chief Panetta Visits Afghanistan Amid Anger, Bombings -- Radio Free Europe
Afghanistan shooting: Leon Panetta flies in for surprise visit -- The Telegraph

Bombers Strike Twice in Southern Afghanistan -- New York Times
Russia to offer air base to US for Afghan transit -- AP
The price of a life? In Afghanistan, it's as little as $210 -- Reuters

Reports: Video shows US soldier wearing shawl, surrendering after Afghanistan massacre -- MSNBC
Afghan official: Video shows soldier surrendering -- USA Today/AP
US weighs Afghan trial for accused shooter -- USA Today
Obama Vows Full Force of Law for Afghan Shooting Suspect -- Voice of America
US shooting in Afghanistan roils Congress -- AFP

Afghan support for U.S. pullout grows after shooting spree, attack on delegation -- Washington Post
GOP, Dems urge US 'stick to plan' in Afghanistan -- Miami Herald/AP
Obama Stays Committed To Timeline In Afghanistan -- NPR

Cameron in US: Public want Afghanistan 'endgame' -- BBC
Voters want an Afghan endgame, admits Cameron as he warns British will leave country a far from perfect democracy -- Daily Mail
Britain wants endgame in Afghanistan, says David Cameron -- The Telegraph

Analysis: Crisis over Afghan killings may follow familiar script -- Rajiv Chandrasekaran, Washington Post
Afghanistan shooting: Protests are peaceful, but era of cooperation closing -- Tom Peter, Christian Science Monitor
Afghanistan: Negotiating while withdrawing is poor strategy -- Lisa Curtis, Reuters
Leave Afghanistan now -- Arsalan Iftikhar, CNN
Will Accused Shooter Face Afghan Trial? -- Heidi Vogt, Time/AP
Obama’s Mission Impossible in Afghanistan After Soldier Shooting -- P.J. Crowley, The Daily Beast
Foreign Policy: Mission Incomplete -- Michael O'Hanlon and Bruce Riedel, NPR
Negotiated settlement best chance to avert civil war in failed Afghanistan -- Seumas Milne, The Age
How will it end in Afghanistan? -- Sandy Gall, L.A. Times

At least 1,781 US military deaths in Afghanistan since 2001 -- Washington Post/AP

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