Sunday, November 18, 2012

Was There A Petraeus Witchhunt?

General David Petraeus shakes hands with Paula Broadwell. (ISAF via Reuters)

The Petraeus Affair’s Resulting Witch Hunt -- David Ignatius, Washington Post

Washington superlawyer Joseph Califano once passed a message to a client being grilled by a congressional committee that read: “Keep cool in Kabul.” That phrase has a certain piquancy now, but Califano simply wanted to calm the witness, slow the process a bit and get everyone to chill out.

The “keep cool” advice seems especially useful now that Washington’s latest set of scandals is entering the phase of congressional investigation, righteous political indignation and public penance. At times like this, people tend to repeat the old bromide “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.” But it can also be toxic under the wrong circumstances.

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My Comment:
So in his defense of Former CIA Director Petraeus David Ignatius throws in the McCarthy hearings of the 1950s .... oh please .... Mr. David Ignatius you can do better than that.

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