Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Who Changed The Benghazi Talking Points?

Who Changed The Benghazi Talking Points? -- CBS News

Who within the Obama administration deleted mention of "terrorism" and "al-Qaeda" from the CIA's talking points on the deadly Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi?

It isn't the only unanswered question in the wake of the tragedy, but it's proven to be one of the most confounding.

The question was first raised 12 days ago when former CIA Director General David Petraeus told members of Congress that his original talking points cleared for public dissemination included the likely involvement by terrorists and an al-Qaeda affiliate. Petraeus said somebody removed the references before they were used to inform the public.

The Obama administration has declined to directly answer who made the edits. And the nation's top intelligence officials appear either confused or not forthcoming about the journey their own intelligence took.

Read more ....

More News On The Benghazi Consulate Attack

Controversy over Susan Rice's Benghazi comments continues -- Christian Science Monitor
Rice ends second day on Hill with hopes of nomination appearing to dim -- FOX News
Susan Rice Gains Little Ground on Day 2 With Skeptical Senators -- ABC News
Susan Rice APOLOGIZES for not calling Benghazi attack terrorism but says she never meant to mislead country... as GOP senators say they now have more concerns than ever -- Daily Mail
Obama Calls Rice ‘Extraordinary,’ as Another Republican Voices Concerns
-- New York Times
Obama: 'Susan Rice Is Extraordinary. Couldn't Be Prouder of the Job She's Done.' -- Weekly Standard
Amid GOP rage against Susan Rice, how Hillary Clinton has remained unscathed -- Liz Marlantes, Christian Science Monitor
5 questions on Susan Rice -- Elise Labott, CNN Foreign Affairs Reporter

My Comment: It is obvious that UN Amb. Rice wants the Secretary of State position .... it is now also obvious that she is not going to get it.

WH: Obama 'Is Not Particularly Concerned' Whether Susan Rice Misled the American People

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