Sunday, November 18, 2012

Remembering What Petraeus Did Right

Remember What Petraeus Did Right -- Amir Taheri, New York Post

Gen. David Petraeus’ fall from grace should not overshadow his achievements both as military strategist and commander.

Petraeus first caught the attention of those following the Middle Eastern crises in 2003, when he commanded a division within the US expeditionary force that liberated Iraq.

The force accomplished its mission of toppling Saddam Hussein in just three weeks. Then started the tougher task of helping Iraqis rebuild their nation on new foundations — a mission that quickly ran into trouble as various armed groups backed by rival regional powers tried to sabotage nation-building efforts through low-intensity warfare.

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My Comment: He will be remembered for what he did right .... but his legacy will be one of a disgraced CIA Director who resigned because of an affair.

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