Tuesday, November 20, 2012

U.S. Congress To Investigate Who Altered The CIA Talking Points On Benghazi

Who Altered the Benghazi Talking Points? -- Heritage Foundation

Bipartisan outrage is a rarity in Washington these days, but the Obama Administration’s lack of transparency over Benghazi has provoked it.

This $64,000 question occupied Congress in open and closed hearings last week as well as the Sunday talk shows: Who altered the Administration’s talking points on the Benghazi terrorist attack? Lawmakers of both parties—such as Diane Feinstein (D–CA) and Mike Rogers (R–MI), the two senior members of the Senate Intelligence Committee who both appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press—are demanding answers.

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More News On The Announcement That The US Congress Will Investigate Who Altered The CIA Talking Points On Benghazi

Congress to investigate Benghazi 'talking points' -- AP
Congress to investigate CIA talking points on Benghazi -- CBS
Senate Committee to Investigate Benghazi ‘Talking Points’
-- New York Times
Republicans say Susan Rice must testify about Benghazi talking points (video) -- Al.com
Intelligence officials: We knew attack in Benghazi was terrorist act from beginning -- NBC
Official: Changes to Benghazi talking points made by intel community -- CNN
Al-Qaeda and Benghazi: Linked?
-- Erik Wemple, Washington Post
Getting to the bottom of Benghazi -- Dennis Byrne, Washington Post
Getting mad about Benghazi
-- Paul Miller, Shadow Government/Foreign Policy

My Comment
: 10 weeks after a U.S. Ambassador was murdered .... the main stream media is finally catching up to this story.

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