Friday, November 16, 2012

World News Brief -- November 16, 2012 (Evening Edition)

U.S. Fears Further Escalation In Israel-Hamas Violence -- CNN

(CNN) -- The major concern of the United States in the current Israeli-Hamas conflict is a potential Israeli ground incursion into Gaza, U.S. officials said Friday.

That would be a disastrous escalation that could trigger a larger conflict, a senior U.S. official told CNN.

"Escalation is what we are concerned about. We don't want it to escalate to the point where Israel feels it has to take additional action, specifically ground force action," the official said.

Israel has some ground forces on the border and ready to act if they are called to do so, said Israel's ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, in a conference call with reporters Friday.

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Israel authorizes more reservists after rockets target cities.

Israel's Barak seeks three more Iron Dome rocket interceptors.

Two rockets land outside Jerusalem following 2 fired at TA. Rocket from Gaza lands near Jerusalem.

Muslim Brotherhood mobilizes protests against Israel in Cairo.

Britain: European nations to discuss possible lifting of arms embargo on Syria.

Rebels capture Ras al Ayn, 1st town to fall in Syria’s Kurdish region.

Jordan protesters call for "downfall of the regime".

Iran could ramp up Uranium enrichment within days, diplomats say.

Iran says arrests foreign-linked bomb plotters.


U.S. to boost defense in southeast Asia, Panetta says.

Regional hotlines eyed amid Asian territorial row.

China inflexible on sea disputes ahead of ASEAN Summit.

China unveils new faces but old policies as Xi takes over party and military.

China's commerce minister voted out in rare congress snub: sources.

Tibetan self-immolations continue in China.

Leading Japan politicians draw election battle lines.

Sri Lanka Tamil party urges UN to open int'l probe.


U.S. seriously concerned about abuses by Nigerian forces.

Mali: Islamist attack secular rebels in north.

DR Congo vows to defend Goma city from M23 rebels. DR Congo: Fighting erupts near Goma city.

Rebels attack villages in South Sudan, deploy more forces-officials.

EU group endorses training mission for Mali.

Somalia takes major political step.

South African Platinum miners end strike.


Putin back in the saddle, but doubts about absence remain.

Putin, Merkel try to ease frosty Germany-Russia ties.

Vladimir Putin reacts angrily to Angela Merkel's Pussy Riot comments.
Russia warns U.S. over human rights bill.

Greek editor Kostas Vaxevanis faces retrial over 'Lagarde list' revelation.

War crimes convictions of two Croatian generals overturned. Hague war court acquits Croat Generals Gotovina and Markac.

Police arrest fugitive Basque terror suspect in Liverpool.

France takes on The Economist after British magazine declares country as Europe's 'time bomb'.

Britain and Spain trade blows over Gibraltar.

Petraeus tells Congress that 'Obama administration altered CIA talking points' on Benghazi. Ex-CIA Chief Petraeus grilled over Ambassador Rice.

Lawmakers on Petraeus hearing: ‘We’re learning a lot’.

Two missing in oil rig blast.

Amid tempered hopes, Colombia, FARC set for talks in Cuba. Colombian rebels want Constitutional Assembly after peace deal.

Mexico lawmakers submit plans to overhaul police, fight graft.

Cuba hints at swapping US contractor Alan Gross for Cuban spies.

With record-high approval ratings, Ecuador's leftist president seeks 3rd term.


Taliban Oops reveals mailing list IDs.

Pentagon opens website in propaganda war with terrorists.Hezbollah man wanted by US freed from Iraq custody.

Tunisian held over U.S. Embassy attack dies in hunger strike-lawyer.


How the SEC almost shut down Wall Street.

Apple stock hit by panic selling: 'Someone yelled fire'.

Sears reports net loss of almost $500 million.

Hostess, maker of Twinkies, to go out of business; strike cited.

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