Monday, November 19, 2012

Russia's Future?

Russia’s Future - Grumpy Petro-Giant Armed-to-the-Teeth with Social Unrest -- Michael Lee, Transhumanity

Although Russia’s population has peaked and is now decreasing, this resource-rich Eurasian giant will not go gently into the good night of decline.

Nor will the rich tapestry of Russian history, populated with larger-than-life autocrats such as Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Lenin, Stalin and Putin, and defined by world-shaking events like the Russian Revolution, the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, become uneventful in the 21st century.

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My Comment: Is Russia becoming a grumpy economic powerhouse that is armed-to-the-teeth filled with social unrest country? My nationality is Russian .... so I am talking from a certain perspective .... and what is my perspective .... cough, cough .... Russia throughout it's history has always been a grumpy country that is armed-to-the-teeth and filled with social unrest (I left out economic powerhouse).

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