Friday, November 16, 2012

President Obama Was Told Within 72 Hours That The Benghazi Attack Was A Terrorist Attack

A protester reacts as the US Consulate in Benghazi is seen in flames during a protest by an armed group on September 11, 2012. Esam Al-Fetori/REUTERS

President Told Within 72 Hours Benghazi Attack Linked To al-Qaida Extremists -- Washington Guardian

Officials divulge that Obama was told it was armed extremists, not a spontaneous mob, that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens.

U.S. intelligence told President Barack Obama and senior administration officials within 72 hours of the Benghazi tragedy that the attack was likely carried out by local militia and other armed extremists sympathetic to al-Qaida in the region, officials directly familiar with the information told the Washington Guardian on Friday.

Read more

: BREAKING: The president knew the truth about Benghazi -- Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post

My Comment:
If true, why the different narrative from the White House. Why tell the public for two weeks that it was because of an anti-Muslim video that spurred a demonstration that got out of hand resulting in the death of 4 Americans. As I have said in previous posts .... with the passage of time more questions are being raised than answered.

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