Saturday, November 17, 2012

More Questions Arise From The Administration's Benghazi Briefings

Congress Receives Confusing Benghazi Briefing From Administration -- Eli Lake, Daily Beast

After a month of collecting data and film from Benghazi, the CIA, State Department, and FBI can’t really explain what happened last Sept. 11. Eli Lake reports on the Obama administration’s mixed-bag briefing to Congress.

After weeks of requests and political back and forth, the Obama administration on Thursday shared with Congress video evidence, debriefings, and photographs collected from the evening of the Sept. 11 assault on the diplomatic mission and CIA base at Benghazi, Libya.

On Thursday the director of the CIA, the director of National Intelligence, as well as senior military, State Department, and FBI officials were in Congress all day for two separate hearings before the House and Senate intelligence committees. The prescheduled hearings capped off a week of high-level, classified briefings to eight congressional committees on the details of the government’s response to the attack and when key intelligence and assessments about the attack that night came in.

Read more ....

My Comment: These hearings have not placated those who want to know what went wrong in Benghazi, and who was responsible for the administrations response after the attack. If anything .... these hearings have only raised more questions.

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