Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Militray And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 20, 2012

File photo of USS Iwo Jima

U.S. Sends Warships Near Israel In Case Evacuation Needed -- CNN

Three U.S. Navy amphibious warships are returning to the eastern Mediterranean to remain on standby in the event they are needed to assist Americans leaving Israel in the coming days, according to two U.S. officials.

The officials stressed an evacuation remains an extremely remote possibility and the Obama administration is not currently planning for one. Americans who wish to leave the region now are able to do so using commercial airlines.

But the decision to send the ships even if the event is such a remote contingency underscores the growing concern about where the Israel-Gaza conflict could be headed.

Read more ....


The Navy Ordered Three Huge Assault Ships To Turn Around And Go Straight To Israel -- Business Insider

Israeli Military To Citizens: Don't Facebook, Tweet, Instagram Rocket-Hit Locations -- Huffington Post

F-16s vs. M16s? Gaza Conflict Revives Old Debate -- Defense News

Ten European states agree military air tanker cooperation -- Reuters

German prosecutors think EADS paid bribes in Austria deal -- Reuters

Kim Jong-un Is Having Serious Trouble Reining In North Korea's Military -- Business Insider

China Is Selling Weapons Systems Using Video Of A Simulated Taiwan Attack -- Business Insider

China Challenges West for Arms Trade -- Defense News

Troubled waters, murky commitments: How Asia sees Obama’s pivot to the Pacific
-- Washington Post/AP

Okinawa governor's office files protest after second trespassing incident -- Stars and Stripes

Humvee Maker AM General Plays Underdog In JLTV Battle -- Aol Defense

Silent but Deadly: Special Forces Seek Quiet, Subsonic Bullets -- Danger Room

Drone Sub-Hunter to Patrol Seas
-- Discovery News

Ban ‘Killer Robots,’ Rights Group Urges -- Defense News/AFP

Pentagon propaganda plan is source of controversy -- USA Today

Brass Attack: Light & Lean Marines Get 5th Four-Star -- Aol Defense

Bidens visit Pentagon
-- The E-Ring/Foreign Policy

Honeywell not fighting cuts in military spending -- Bloomberg Businessweek/AP

Tax fight freezes defense industry out of negotiations over ‘fiscal cliff’ -- The Hill

VA outreach lags as many veterans unaware of benefits -- McClatchy News

GAO: Troops transitioning out not always getting prompt pain and psychiatric meds -- Stars and Stripes

Medical History Should Include Military History, Doctor Says -- New York Times

Wife of accused Army general talks of taboo subjects: adultery, war’s toll on military couples
-- Washington Post

Official: Changes to Benghazi talking points made by intel community -- CNN

GOP says intelligence right, narrative wrong on Libya -- Washington Times

The CIA Probably Had Authority To Hold Prisoners At The Secret Benghazi Annex
-- Business Insider

U.S. asks court to deny Fort Hood shooter's appeal -- CNN

Down in the Weeds with the Pentagon’s Auditors -- Time

Why the Pentagon Costs So Much…
-- Mark Thompson, Time

Sen. Tom Coburn cuts the fat at Pentagon in his ‘Department of Everything’ report -- Walter Pincus, Washington Post

‘Fiscal cliff’ threatens the national defense
-- Washington Post editorial

The Wrong Man for the C.I.A. -- Gregory Johnson, New York Times

Want to support the troops? Give them good military leaders -- Tom Ricks, Washington Post

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