Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Is The U.S. Going To Cut Aid To Egypt?

Obama Warns Egyptian President Morsi To Rein In Terrorists In Gaza -- The Hill

President Obama on Monday warned Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi that he must get the violence in Gaza under control.

Frustration in the U.S. over rocket attacks on Israel from Hamas militants is increasingly centered on Egypt, and is expected to raise pointed questions from lawmakers next week about the $2 billion in annual American aid to that country.

Egypt’s post-Arab Spring government is dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, an ideological ally of Hamas, which rules in Gaza and is considered a terrorist group by the U.S. Israeli security officials argue the rockets hitting the nation’s cities were trucked through Egypt and smuggled through border tunnels into Gaza.

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My Comment: The Egyptian Brotherhood (which Morsi wants led) are the philosophical/ideological allies of Hamas .... they are not going to abandon their 'brothers' in their hour of need .... money or no money. But will the U.S. cut their aid .... for the moment no .... but we are heading that way.

We will need to first have our allies in Europe on our side before putting the financial screws to Egypt.

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