Monday, October 15, 2012

Syrian Refugees Continue To Pour Into Turkey

Turkey's Refugee Camps Full To Capacity With Syrians Fleeing Bloodshed -- The Telegraph

Turkey's refugee camps are full to capacity with 100,000 fugitives from Syria's bloodshed, the country's government said, suggesting there is no room for thousands more trying to reach safety.

They will have to wait until two new camps, designed to house another 30,000 refugees, have been completed. But about 10,000 people have already gathered at two makeshift camps inside northern Syria, waiting for permission to enter Turkey.

Conditions in these locations are steadily worsening as winter approaches. They are also vulnerable to attack by President Bashar al-Assad's forces, which routinely bombard the area near the Turkish border.

Turkey has replaced its "open door" policy for Syrian refugees with a more restrictive approach, admitting people who need urgent hospital treatment but compelling others to wait until space is available inside established camps.

Read more ....

My Comment: And winter has not even arrived .... my prediction .... even with Turkey restricting who can enter the country .... I expect these refugee numbers to double by mid-winter. For more info on what is the `human` cost from Syria`s civil war, go here.

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