Monday, September 10, 2012

What We Know About Iran's Nukes

What We Know About Iran's Nukes -- Olli Heinonen and Simon Henderson, Wall Street Journal

The regime's most secure uranium-enrichment site has doubled capacity since May, and its suspected top bomb-maker is back on the case.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei claimed last week that his government isn't interested in nuclear weapons: "Our motto is nuclear energy for all and nuclear weapons for none," he said. A better perspective was provided almost simultaneously from the world's nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, which on Aug. 30 released its latest report on Iran's nuclear activities.

The report, written in a mix of bureaucrat-speak and obscure science, nevertheless conveys a worrying message. It shows that Iran continues to expand its capacity for enriching uranium. There are now two new groups of centrifuges installed at Fordow—the hardened site built under a mountain near the holy city of Qom—which signals a doubling of the site's capacity since May.

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My Comment
: We still (unfortunately) know very little. Even the UN's nuclear chief is growing frustrated, with calls to inspect Iran's nuclear sites being ignored.

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