Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Window Into Afghan Insider Killings

Army Spc. Mabry Anders was killed in an attack by an Afghan army soldier in Afghanistan on August 27. Reuters

In US Soldier's Death, A Window Into Afghan Insider Killings -- NBC/Reuters

Spc. Mabry Anders, 21, had grown increasingly worried that he might not come home.

WASHINGTON/KABUL — In the weeks before his death, 21-year-old Mabry Anders had grown increasingly worried that he might not come home from Afghanistan. The Army specialist was battling insomnia and would send brief, worried messages back to his family.

"He talked to me in the day, which would be in the middle of his night," his father, Dan Anders, said. "He didn't sleep. He was just worried."

There were good reasons for concern. During his six-month tour, the Taliban staged a major attack at his base, a suicide bomber had killed one of his brigade's most revered leaders, and an Afghan villager threw a fire-bomb at a vehicle he was traveling in.

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My Comment: Not surprisingly .... when US forces now train with their Afghan counterparts, they keep their armor on and their weapons loaded. What also does not help the situation is the realization among some in the US military that there could be up to 85,000 Taliban sympathizers within the Afghan security forces.

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