Monday, September 10, 2012

Analysis: Can Israel Surprise Iran?

Analysis: Can Israel Surprise Iran? Maybe Not, But Could Still Strike -- Dan Williams, Reuters

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's cancellation of a security cabinet session on Iran following a media leak last week laid bare a conundrum long troubling Israeli strategists: could they count on any element of surprise in a war on their arch-foe?

Possibly not. Years of public speculation, much of it stoked by official statements in Israel and abroad, about the likelihood and timing of such a conflict have afforded the Iranians plenty of notice to fortify their threatened nuclear facilities and prepare retaliation.

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My Comment
: I will be shocked if Israel will be able to launch a surprise attack against Iran in today's interconnected world. Iran will learn that they are being under attack (before they are being attacked) when the radar in Iraq (and Iran) is malfunctioning and/or is blinded. They will also have a heads-up when their spotters in the West Bank, Jordan, Iraq, etc.... start to call in on mass formations of aircraft heading east. But will this stop an Israeli attack .... and will Iran be able to stop it with their old aircraft and anti-aircraft batteries/missiles .... probably not.

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