Sunday, September 9, 2012

What Is The Plan If Defense Cuts Are To Be Forced Under Sequestration

The Latest Dereliction Of Duty: The Sequestration Law -- Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post

Friday was the day by which under a law passed by Congress and signed by President Barack Obama the White House needed to detail the defense cuts it would make to comply with the upcoming sequestration under the Budget Control Act. But that’s messy in the middle of an election campaign in which voters might see what plants, bases and production lines might be slashed. So Obama ignored the law. No list. It’s not clear whether he will ever follow the law.

His Republican opponent, Mitt Romney, blasted the president: “A year ago, Barack Obama set in motion the sequestration process that is leading to imminent disastrous cuts in our military might. The President is required by law to tell the American people how he would implement these cuts. But he has chosen to ignore the deadline for doing so.

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My Comment:
I presume a plan will be presented .... after the election.

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