Sunday, September 9, 2012

On A Day Of Bloodshed, Iraq's Vice President Is Convicted Of Murder And Sentenced To Death

Death Sentence For A Top Iraqi Leader In A Day Of Bloodshed -- New York Times

BAGHDAD — The vice president of Iraq, a prominent Sunni Muslim, was convicted of murder and sentenced to death on Sunday in a trial conducted in absentia. The verdict coincided with a wave of bombings and insurgent attacks that claimed at least 100 lives, making Sunday one of the bloodiest days in Iraq since American troops withdrew last year.

Together, the verdict and the violence threatened to deepen an already intractable political crisis among the country’s ruling factions.

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More News On Today's Bloodshed In Iraq, And The Sentencing Of Iraq's Vice President To Death

Iraq blasts kill 100 as fugitive VP gets death sentence -- Times of India/Reuters
Iraq's Fugitive VP Convicted as Attacks Kill 92 -- ABC News/AP
Iraq Attacks Kill At Least 92 as Sunni VP Sentenced to Death -- Voice of America
Iraq's exiled vice president sentenced to death as violence grows -- Christian Science Monitor
Iraq sentences vice president to death -- Al Jazeera
Iraq Court Sentences Sunni Leader to Death -- Wall Street Journal
Iraq VP Tariq al-Hashemi sentenced to death -- BBC
Wave of bombings strikes Iraq -- The Australian/AFP
Deadliest Attacks in Iraq Since US Troop Pullout -- ABC News/AP

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