Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Top Secret America: More News And Commentary

ODNI Dispels Myths About Contractors, Intelligence Community -- Government Executive

In response to yesterday’s first installment of The Washington Post’s “Top Secret America” series on the Intelligence Community, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a document dispelling some common myths surrounding the IC’s use of and relationship with contractors.

In the document, ODNI outlines some widely held misconceptions about the IC and contractors, including insufficient oversight of contractors, private contractors inappropriately performing “inherently governmental” functions and contractors costing more than their government counterparts.

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News And Commentary On The Washington Post Story "Top Secret America"

Top Secret America -- Washington Post
Congress, White House react to 'Top Secret America' -- Washington Post
Critics Question Post Spy Series -- US News And World Report
DNI nominee Clapper on 'Top Secret America' series -- Washington Post
Dana Priest's controversial co-author -- Politico
Who watches the watchers? -- ABC News (Australia)
WaPo’s ‘Top Secret America’ Investigation Stirs Conversation About National Security -- Newsweek
Top Secret America, Ctd -- Andrew Sullivan, The Atlantic

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