Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Profile On The New Head Of CENTCOM Gen. James N. Mattis

Petraeus’s Successor Is Known for Impolitic Words -- New York Times

WASHINGTON — To those who have served under him, Gen. James N. Mattis is the consummate Marine commander, a warrior who chooses to lead from the front lines and speaks bluntly rather than concerning himself with political correctness.

But General Mattis, President Obama’s choice to command American forces across the strategic crescent that encompasses Iraq and Afghanistan, has also been occasionally seen by his civilian superiors as too rough-edged at a time when military strategy is as much about winning the allegiance of local populations as it is about firepower.

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My Comment: I know very little about Gen. Mattis, but I do know that many in the media, the political class, and the Pentagon feel uncomfortable with his presentation .... my altitude is so what. But even with this intense focus, I suspect that his Congressional confirmation process will be successful and he will dissuade any doubts on his appointment.

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