Monday, May 24, 2010

Tensions On The Korean Peninsula Continue To Rise

Pentagon And U.N. Chief Put New Pressure On N. Korea -- New York Times

SEOUL, South Korea — Pressure on North Korea over the sinking of a South Korean warship intensified Monday as the United States announced it would conduct joint naval exercises with South Korea and the top United Nations official said the Security Council would need to take some action against the North.

A Defense Department spokesman in Washington, Bryan Whitman, said the naval exercises would be conducted “in the near future” and would be aimed at improving the ability of South Korea and the United States to detect enemy submarines and halt banned shipments of nuclear materials. The announcement was the Pentagon’s first concrete response in the escalating tensions between North and South Korea over what South Koreans have called the deliberate sinking by the North of one of their warships two months ago.

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More News On Rising Tensions On The Korean Peninsula

Two Koreas Snarl At Each Other as Tensions Rise -- New York Times/Reuters
South Korea Prepares Military For Future Aggressions -- ABC News
UN chief condemns torpedo attack, expects response -- AP
Ban eyes prompt U.N. council action on Korea crisis -- Reuters
S.Korea says North 'will pay price' for ship attack -- Yahoo News/AP

US Announces New Military Exercises with South Korea -- Voice of America
US and South Korean to Hold Naval Excercises -- ABC News
US, South Korea to test military forces -- Yahoo News/AP
US to conduct naval exercises with S Korea after attack -- BBC

South Korea bans all trade with North over Cheonan attack -- Times Online
Clinton backs South Korea's crackdown on North Korea over sinking of warship -- Washington Post
Clinton: Koreas Security Situation 'Precarious' -- New York Times/AP News

U.S. Presses China to Punish North Korea for Ship -- New York Times
On North Korea, China Prefers Fence -- New York Times
China faces touch choices over Korea -- Simon Tisdall, The Guardian

South Korea Begins “Psychological Warfare” Against North Korea; North Korea Threatens “All-Out War” -- Vanity Fair
How will North Korea respond to South Korea's threats? -- Christian Science Monitor
Why Kim won't pay: The good guys fear a fight -- Benny Avni, New York Post
U.S. Implicates North Korean Leader in Attack -- New York Times
Cheonan warship sinking: Will South Korea blame Kim Jong-il directly? -- Christian Science Monitor
Theories why Pyongyang sunk S Korean ship -- Financial Times
We Can't Save South Korea -- Reihan Salam, Forbes
The Free World Strikes Back at Pyongyang -- Chung Min Lee, Wall Street Journal

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