Monday, May 31, 2010

Some Amazing Stories From Our Medal Of Honor Recipients

The three variations of the Medal of Honor - Army (left), Navy (middle), Air Force (right)

The Real American Idols: Our Medal Of Honor Recipients -- Chicago Now

It's Memorial Day, which means you'll gather with your friends, fire up the grill, and enjoy a day off of work.

As we all enjoy the nice weather, let's remember what Memorial Day is all about. It's the day we salute America's heroes, those who went to battle to protect our rights. We all know somebody who has fought or perished in some war. I never met my uncle John Leshock, he died while serving as a pilot in World War II.

Today I'm reserving the blog for them, the men and women who risked their lives to protect my freedom - a freedom to write about anything I choose.

Read more ....

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