Monday, February 25, 2013

U.S. House Intelligence Chairman: America Is Losing The Global Cyber War To China

House Intel Chair Mike Rogers Calls Chinese Cyber Attacks ‘Unprecedented’ -- ABC News

House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Rogers, R-Mich., said it was “beyond a shadow of a doubt” that the Chinese government and military is behind growing cyber attacks against the United States, saying “we are losing” the war to prevent the attacks.

“They use their military and intelligence structure to steal intellectual property from American businesses, and European businesses, and Asian businesses, re-purpose it and then compete in the international market against the United States,” Rogers said this morning on “This Week.”

“It is unprecedented,” Rogers added. “This has never happened in the history of the world, where one nation steals the intellectual property to re-purpose it – to illegally compete against the country…and I’ll tell you, It is as bad as I’ve ever seen it and exponentially getting worse. Why? There’s no consequence for it.”

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More News On House Intel Chair Mike Rogers Calling China's Cyber Attacks ‘Unprecedented’

Lawmakers Dismiss China’s Denials Over Cyberattacks -- New York Times
House Intelligence Chairman: U.S. ‘Losing’ Cyber War -- Wall Street Journal
US losing global cyber war to China - House Intelligence chairman -- RT
Calls mount for US action against Chinese hack attacks --

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