Saturday, February 23, 2013

U.S. Government Sequester Warnings Fall On Deaf Ears

White House Sequester Warnings Fall On Deaf Ears -- Washington Times

President Obama’s apocalyptic predictions of the harm that would come to the country if the latest round of budget cuts kick in late next week are starting to wear thin among an unlikely group: the White House press corps.

Mr. Obama has spent the past week issuing a series of dire warnings about the economic and personal consequences of allowing the so-called sequester spending cuts to occur March 1.

But reporters appear increasingly skeptical about the motivation behind the Mr. Obama’s messaging and are questioning whether the White House is directing the Pentagon and other agencies to showcase potential cuts to boost both public anxiety and pressure on congressional Republicans to compromise.

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My Comment:
I follow the news very carefully .... and all this sequester fear-mongering is now starting to wear thin even on me. It appears that Washington has been crying wolf for too long .... and many are now no longer believing the warnings.

Memo to the Pentagon .... you better get out your contingency plans on what to do with the Pentagon budget when sequestration hits at the end of this week.

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