Sunday, February 24, 2013

Israel Is Watching What Weapons Are Being Sent To Syria’s Rebels

Israel Closely Watching What Weapons Are Being Sent To Syria’s Rebels -- McClatchy News

JERUSALEM — Israel is closely monitoring the kinds of weapons that are being sent to Syrian rebel groups, and it’s consulted with U.S. officials about which weapons they consider too sophisticated to be passed to the groups that are battling to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad, according to Israeli officials with knowledge of the situation.

"Israel isn’t going to interfere and stop weapons shipments to the rebels at this point, but it wants to make sure it knows what they have," said an Israeli military official who agreed to discuss the matter with McClatchy only on the condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to discuss it publicly.

Another military official who also asked not to be identified, for the same reason, acknowledged that Israel is concerned that the pressure to assist the rebels will result in weapons going to al Qaida-linked militants that have proved to be the anti-Assad forces’ best fighters.

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My Comment:
The focus is on chemical weapons, but there are also a good number of conventional weapons that are extremely dangerous (surface to air missiles, Scud missiles, anti-tank weapons, etc) that makes this Israeli concern completely justified.

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