Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Will China Come In 'From the Cold'?

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Liang Guanglie participate in an honors ceremony in Beijing, Sept. 18, 2012. DOD photo by Erin Kirk-Cuomo

Pentagon “Hopeful” China Will Join RIMPAC -- E-Ring/Foreign Policy

Sensing a crack in Beijing's shell, Defense Department officials are sounding positive about the chances China will join in the next RIMPAC, the world's largest multinational joint military maritime exercise, led by U.S. forces across the Pacific.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is back in the Pentagon after last week's globe-trotting journey to Japan, China and New Zealand. His mission was to continue the U.S. effort to warm relations with China's People's Liberation Army and keep inching towards better understanding of the PLA's intentions. So, Panetta invited China to send a ship to the RIMPAC in 2014. He doesn't return with a firm yes to the invitation, but with China's military leaders, this is perhaps as good as it gets.

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My Comment: Considering the fact that China is in dispute with most of it's neighbors .... as well as always maintaining an independent streak on military matters .... I will be very surprise if they should decide to join in 2014.

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