Sunday, September 9, 2012

Water Wars?

Water Politics Rising to Top Of Global Agenda -- Paul Gillespie, Irish Times

WORLD VIEW: THE POLITICS of water will loom large in international affairs this century.

This is emerging under the influence of climate change, unequal access to water between richer and poorer peoples, intensifying agricultural and industrial use and transboundary conflicts.

Looking at world politics through the lens of water provides many insights on these issues.

According to statistics provided for the annual World Water Week conference in Stockholm last month, 97 per cent of the Earth’s supply is salt water and, of the remaining 3 per cent, some 70 per cent is frozen in the polar icecaps.

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My Comment: When it comes to water .... I have been spoiled in life. I grew up in Russia that had a lot of it .... and I now live in Canada that has even more. It is only when I travel to other countries (China, India, etc.) that I have learned to appreciate how lucky I am .... water is a precious resource.

The world is suffering from a lack of clean drinking water, and as water flows change because of development and climate change .... I am expecting conflicts to erupt as desperate countries do what is necessary to preserve what some of us take for granted everyday.

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