Sunday, September 9, 2012

U.S. Secretary Of State Clinton: No 'Deadlines' For Iran

Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's Prime Minister, meeting Secretary Clinton for a working dinner in Washington DC, May 18, 2009. Wikipedia

U.S. ‘Not Setting Deadlines’ for Iran, Clinton Says -- Bloomberg

The U.S. is “not setting deadlines” for Iran and still considers negotiations as “by far the best approach” to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said.

While Clinton said in an interview yesterday that economic sanctions are building pressure on Iran, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last week the sanctions aren’t slowing Iran’s nuclear advances “because it doesn’t see a clear red line from the international community.”

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My Comment: This is a major rebuff of Israeli demands for a more aggressive U.S. policy towards Iran. In short ... Sec. of State Clinton has just told the Israelis that the U.S. is going to focus on diplomacy and a push for negotiated agreement settlement with Iran over it's nuclear program..

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