Sunday, September 9, 2012

Prince Harry Earns £200 A Week In Danger Pay For Flying Apache Helicopters In A War Zone

Prince Harry's £200 A Week Danger Money For Flying Apache Helicopters In War Zone... But He'll Have To Wait Until January To Get It -- Daily Mail

* Weekly bonus will be added to the captain's £38,931 salary
* Referred to as Captain Wales by colleagues
* Prince not expected to return home until January

Prince Harry spent yesterday signing forms to ensure he receives a £200-a-week bonus for flying combat missions against the Taliban in Afghanistan.

The tax-free gratuity – awarded to all troops in the war zone – will be added to the £38,931 captain’s salary the Prince receives for piloting an Apache helicopter gunship.

But there is little chance that Harry will be able to spend the extra cash on Christmas presents – the bonus is paid at the end of a tour of duty, and the Prince is not expected to return home until January.

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My Comment: He is not doing it for the money.

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