Sunday, September 23, 2012

Is War Possible Between China And Japan?

Invasion. Genocide. An Utter Lack Of Remorse. And Why There Could Be A Terrifying New War Between Japan And China -- Max Hastings, Daily Mail

A few years ago, nobody in Asia gave much thought to the Senkaku islands. They form a cluster of eight pimples in the East China Sea, mid-way between Taiwan and Japanese Okinawa, devoid of people, culture and — by all accounts — beauty.

Yet suddenly, they have become the focus of a dispute between China and Japan which is growing so bitter that doomsters fear Beijing might even go to war over them.

The dispute is one of a dozen involving islands off the Asian mainland — some claimed by Vietnam, others by South Korea, others again by the Philippines — in which China is wielding a big stick.

Read more ....

My Comment: What's my take .... the anti-Japanese sentiment in China is truly astounding. What happened in World War II still haunts them, and this sentiment is just as strong in the younger generations as in the old. Likewise .... in Japan .... nationalism and a sense of superiority is still prevalent in the culture, and their "atonement" for World War II has been .... and continues to be .... completely lacking.

But even with these cultural and societal sentiments .... the possibility of a war between these two great Asian powers over a few islands is simply not in the cards. I do expect threats .... and a little bit of gunboat diplomacy .... but an armed confrontation (i.e. China seizing the islands with military force) would only result in a massive Chinese-Japanese arms race in this part of Asia, followed with alliances and outside involvement (i.e. U.S. security agreements with Japan coming into force) that could and will destabilize the region. Fortunately .... both China and Japan are aware of this .... and for the moment their 'powder' will remain dry.

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