Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Is America's China Policy Incoherent And Dangerous?

Photo: REUTERS/Jim Watson/Pool

U.S. China Policy: Incoherent And Dangerous -- Patrick Smith, The Fiscal Times

The cement is hardly dry on America’s new policy to forge new Asia-Pacific alliances, and already the post–Iraq endeavor is coming across as a collection of incoherent contradictions. Consider:

*We say we want to build closer ties with China, but our two leading presidential candidates are making political hay out of its trade and industrial policies at just the moment Beijing is struggling to maintain economic growth. President Obama has filed two cases against China at the World Trade Organization in the last two months, one of them just last week. They are both intended as vote-getters in the auto-industry states; neither is expected to make much practical difference.

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My Comment: Could not have said it any better. On the positive note .... the Chinese leadership/media/the public/etc. know that U.S. foreign policy is in disarray .... further compounded by the American Presidential campaign. The Chinese focus is on economics, trade with the U.S., and their investments in U.S. Treasuries. If you want to rile up the Chinese .... tamper with that.

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