Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How Tensions Between China And Japan Are Causing Changes In Military Policy

Senkaku Dispute Reinforces Military Shifts -- Washington Post

TOKYO — Tuesday’s confrontation between Japanese and Taiwanese coast guard vessels hardly ranks among the great naval battles — the only weapons deployed were water cannon, and the Taiwanese beat a dignified retreat after a few hours.

But the televised maritime contest certainly highlighted the rising passions surrounding the Senkaku islands, a tiny Japanese-controlled archipelago that is also claimed by Taiwan and, more dangerously, by its giant neighbor, China.

Worrying cracks have appeared along a diplomatic fault line that lay mostly quiet for decades, sparking heated talk among international commentators of a possible Sino-Japanese war.

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Japan v. China: Smoke or Fire? -- Conn Hallinan, FPIF

My Comment:  At the moment both parties are arguing over what is essentially a few square kilometers of rock. But if significant oil and gas deposits are found in the contested territories .... expect tensions and "military shifts" to escalate.

Update #2:  Japan says no compromise in islands row -- The Australian

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