Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Concerns Rise In Iraq Over Syria's Escalating Civil War

Syrian War’s Spillover Threatens a Fragile Iraq -- New York Times

BAGHDAD — The civil war in Syria is testing Iraq’s fragile society and fledgling democracy, worsening sectarian tensions, pushing Iraq closer to Iran and highlighting security shortcomings just nine months after American forces ended their long and costly occupation here.

Fearing that Iraq’s insurgents will unite with extremists in Syria to wage a two-front battle for Sunni dominance, Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki recently ordered guards at the western border to block adult men, even husbands and fathers with families in tow, from crossing into Iraq along with thousands of refugees seeking to escape the grinding war next door.

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My Comment:
Like many conflicts in the Middle East .... it all comes down to religion/tribe/sect. The only thing that I can add to this discussion is that I am glad that U.S. forces are out of Iraq, and that I can only hope that we do not go back.

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