Thursday, August 9, 2012

Syrian Rebel Fighters Abandon The Front Lines In Aleppo

This image map provides an overview of military activity seen in Aleppo from July 23, 2012 to August 1, 2012 Photo: Amnesty International USA/Digital Globe

Special Report: Hundreds Of Rebel Fighters Leave Aleppo After Two Nights Of Relentless Shelling By Regime Forces -- The Independent

Revolutionaries abandon the frontline they had held with such resilience for the last 12 days.

It began with a few of the rebel units pulling out, sleepless and disoriented after two nights of relentless shelling, fearful that they were being surrounded by regime forces. By mid-morning the departures had turned into a major retreat, with hundreds of fighters pouring out of Salaheddine, many of them then straight out of Aleppo.

The revolutionaries had abandoned the frontline - a crucial strategic point - they had held with such resilience against massive battering for the last 12 days. They have also left much of an adjoining district, Saifaldallah. The pounding they had received for hour after hour from the air and the ground had been worse than anything before; The Independent was there very much towards the end of the onslaught, but it was still daunting and, yet again, indiscriminate.

Read more

Update: Syria crisis: Rebels lose key district of Aleppo -- BBC

My Comment:
An excellent and detailed report on he fighting in Aleppo. This is a defeat for the rebels, but they are alive and they will regroup to fight again.

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