Friday, August 10, 2012

Saudi Arabia Will Intercept Israeli Aircraft In An Iran Attack

Report: Saudis May Intercept Israeli Aircraft in Iran Attack -- Washington Free Beacon

Israeli media: Kingdom of Saud tells U.S. that airspace will be closed if Israel attacks Iran.

JERUSALEM—Saudi Arabia has informed U.S. officials that it will intercept any Israeli aircraft attempting to reach Iran through Saudi airspace, Tel Aviv daily Yediot Ahronot reported yesterday.

The information was relayed to Israel, the paper said. In 1981, Israeli warplanes passed through Saudi airspace to destroy the nuclear reactor being built by Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq. The eight attack planes were provided cover by Israeli fighter jets.

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My Comment: You expect the Saudis to say that .... but I suspect that if Israel should launch an airstrike, they will fly over Jordan and Iraq to do so. The Iraqi Air Force is small and ineffective, and Jordan will be told to look the other way.

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