Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Is Mexico's Drug Cartel War Winding Down?

In Mexico’s Murder City, The War Appears Over -- Washington Post

CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico — When this city was among the most murderous in the world, the morgue ran out of room, the corpses stacked to the ceiling in the wheezing walk-in freezers.

Medical examiners, in plastic boots, performed a dozen autopsies a day as families of victims waited outside in numbers sufficient to require a line.

For all this, Mexico has not made much sense of one of the most sensational killing sprees in recent history, which has left 10,500 dead in the streets of Juarez as two powerful drug and crime mafias went to war. In 2010, the peak, there were at least 3,115 aggravated homicides, with many months posting more than 300 deaths, according to the newspaper El Diario.

But the fever seems to have broken.

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My Comment: I am skeptical that after a number of years of violence and mayhem the drug cartel war is winding down. Drugs are still being transported, the cartel leaders are still alive, and the money that fuels this chaos is still there.

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