Friday, August 10, 2012

Cold War Secrets

The U.S. government has been keeping watch from space for almost 50 years, starting with the Corona program overseen by the National Reconnaissance Office. In September 1967, a Corona camera in orbit took this picture of the Pentagon. (Credit: National Reconnaissance Office)

Unraveling Her Father's Cold War Secrets -- L.A. Times

Hugh Cart couldn't tell his family what he did. Then a phone call from the past opened the door to his work on a top-secret spy mission.

The stranger who called my parents' house in March posed a baffling question.

Do you know about the reunion? the man asked my mother.

What reunion? she replied.

A get-together of the guys who worked with your husband on the Corona program, the caller said.

The Corona program?

It's been highly classified — a secret — the man told her, but now we can talk about it. That's what the reunion is about, he said.

My mother, Jean Cart, listened for a little longer, thanked him and hung up.

Read more ....

My Comment: A fascinating story, and the video is a must see.

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