Friday, March 25, 2011

U.S. Special Forces Preparing To Leave Iraq

Iraq Special Operations Forces (ISOF)

In Iraq, U.S. Special Forces Gearing Up To Leave -- Washington Post

MOSUL, Iraq — Several nights a week, Iraqi and U.S. special forces operatives head out in Humvees or Black Hawk helicopters to arrest extremists in the most volatile region of Iraq.

After years of training with their U.S. counterparts, the black-clad Iraqi forces are taking the lead, busting in doors and arresting suspects while their American advisers monitor the mission.

The United States has its own counterterrorism force on the ground here, and its work has remained a priority even as the number of American combat troops declines, in preparation for their full withdrawal by the end of the year.

Read more

Update: Iraqi forces ready, U.S. trainers say -- UPI

My Comment: Let us hope that this is finally 'mission accomplished'.

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