Friday, March 25, 2011

The Plight Of Women if Arrested By Egyptian Authorities

CBS News correspondent Lara Logan Photo: REUTERS

Secret Shame Of Egypt's Army: Women Protesters Were Forced To Have 'Virginity Checks' After Being Arrested In Tahrir Square -- The Daily Mail

Women arrested by the Egyptian police during protests in Cairo's Tahrir Square were subjected to forced 'virginity tests', according to Amnesty International.

Eighteen demonstrators were detained after army officers cleared the square on March 9 at the end of weeks of protest.

Amnesty today said that the women had been beaten, given electric shocks and then subjected to strip searches while being photographed by male soldiers.

They were then given 'virginity checks' and threatened with prostitution charges if medics ruled they had had sex, according to the charity.

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My Comment: If Islamic groups like the Muslim Brotherhood gain power, expect this type of treatment to get worse.

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