Breaking Away: Obama’s War On Terror Is Not “Bush Lite.” -- David Cole, New Republic
It is difficult, in these partisan times, to find any common ground in the debate over U.S. counterterrorism policy. But, on one matter, there seems to be almost uniform agreement: that President Obama has largely continued President Bush’s security policies. With the exception of former Vice President Dick Cheney, who faults Obama for suggesting that trying terrorists as criminals may be more appropriate than waterboarding them, everyone from the ACLU to John Bolton appears to agree that Obama has preserved the main features of Bush’s approach to the “war on terror.”
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
America's Dangerous Rush to Shrink Its Military Power -- Mark Helprin, Wall Street Journal
Who Will Be on Top at the End of this Century? -- Edward Bernard Glick, American Thinker
Taliban Recede: Coalition or Winter's Advance? -- Jason Motlagh and Muhib Habibi, Time Magazine
Iraq's precarious prospects -- Trudy Rubin, Philadelphia Inquirer
Japan and South Korea as allies someday? -- Clayton Jones, Christian Science Monitor
Little hope for Middle East accord in 2011 -- Jason Koutsoukis, Sydney Morning Herald
Merkel Braces for Election Debacles in 2011 -- Florian Gathmann and Philipp Wittrock, Spiegel Online
Making Sense of the START Debate -- George Friedman, Stratfor
Russia, The World's Largest Dying Power -- Vladimir Ryzhkov, Moscow Times
The Muslim population has grown from 1.65 million to 2.87 million since 2001, say researchers. What does this mean for liberal Britain? -- Damian Thompson, The Telegraph
China's New Missile: A Game Changer? -- IBD Editorial
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