Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Why Do Afghan Soldiers Go AWOL When They Arrive In The U.S.

EXCLUSIVE: 'BMWs' Help Afghans Go AWOL From Texas Air Base -- FOX News

A loose network of Mexican-American women, some of whom may be illegal immigrants, have been responsible for helping numerous Afghan military deserters go AWOL from an Air Force Base in Texas, has learned.

Many of the Afghans, with the women's assistance, have made their way to Canada; the whereabouts of others remain unknown. Some of the men have been schooled by the women in how to move around the U.S. without any documentation.

Read more ....

My Comment: I thought I heard everything .... but this takes the cake. The solution to this problem is easy .... if Afghan soldiers come to the U.S. and go AWOl, treat them the same way that U.S. soldiers are treated. You go to jail, and in the case of these Afghan soldiers, be deported back home.

For me .... I find this news unbelievable. Why are we fighting in a country when the men of that country are not willing to fight for it .... sighhh .... this situation is becoming more and more galling with every passing day.

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