Thursday, July 15, 2010

Russia Is Upset With China's Blatant Copying Of It's Military Equipment

Russia And China Wait For Someone To Blink -- Strategy Page

July 8, 2010: Russia is increasingly upset at how blatantly China has been copying Russian military equipment, and selling the copies in competition with the Russian originals. Particularly annoying is China’s building copies of the Su-27 (as the J-11 and the carrier version as the J-15.) Now Russia is threatening to play hardball, by refusing to sell China the high-performance engines needed for Chinese built fighters. A Chinese order for several hundred Russian RD93 jet engines from Russia is on hold.

Read more ....

Hat Tip: Defense Tech

My Comment: Russia is not the only country that is tired of China copying its military technology .... but with Russian customers now making their opinions known that this cannot continue, Russia is now trying to balance their needs and what they can (at the same time) get out of China.

I wish them luck.

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