Friday, July 16, 2010

Is There A Coalition Forming Against Iran In The Middle East?

A Quiet Axis Forms Against Iran in the Middle East -- Spiegel Online

Israel and the Arab states near the Persian Gulf recognize a common threat: the regime in Tehran. A regional diplomat has not even ruled out support by the Arab states for a military strike to end Iran's nuclear ambitions.

It is early in the morning on the wharfs in Sharjah, just below the Museum of Islamic Civilization, where the heavy wooden ships known as dhows are being loaded with cargo. Pakistani laborers hoist engine blocks, plasma monitors and mineral oil into the ships' holds. When asked where the dhows are headed, they say, matter-of-factly: "Iran."

Trade between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and their neighbor across the Strait of Hormuz is an everyday occurrence that hardly deserves mention on the docks.

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My Comment: I am one of those who is very skeptical when it comes to Arab solidarity against Iran. They are consistently violating UN sanctions against Iran, and have been less than helpful on the international front when it comes to forming a common coalition against Iran's nuclear program.

Will this behavior change if Iran obtains a nuclear bomb .... I would have to say yes. But this change will not be to our liking .... if anything .... if Iran has the bomb it will only motivate the Arabs to spend billions to obtain one themselves, with Pakistan being the likely source for this technology and hardware.

I call this the worse/worse scenario for the Middle East .... and the one that is probably going to happen sometime in the near future.

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