Sunday, July 18, 2010

I Call This A Complete Waste Of Money

U.S. To Unveil Large Aid Package To Win The Hearts Of Pakistanis -- McClatchy News

ISLAMABAD — The U.S. will announce Monday hundreds of millions of dollars worth of civilian aid projects for Pakistan, American officials said, in an attempt to demonstrate that Washington has broadened its relationship with the country, away from just anti-terror cooperation to helping the people of Pakistan.

Hillary Clinton, on her way to a key international conference in Afghanistan, will unveil a raft of U.S.-funded development projects Monday. They will cover sectors including water supply, electricity production, agriculture and health, as the U.S. implements its pledge to triple civilian aid to key ally Pakistan. The previous administration of President George W. Bush had focused most aid on Pakistan's military, which then ruled the country, causing resentment in the country that felt it was being manipulated to further U.S. goals.

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My Comment: How do I know that this will be a waste of money .... because we are putting money into a society that still believes behaving like this is the right thing.

On top of trying to influence a culture that is alien to us ( as we are to them) .... aid to Pakistan has a long history of little oversight and plenty of corruption. I can only expect this rotten tradition to continue.

Sigghhhh .... the U.S. is hopelessly confused with what is happening in this region, and borrowing money from China to now give it to Pakistan is a perfect symbol of how confused this policy has become.

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