Sunday, January 3, 2010

U.S. Now Believes Iran Working On Design Of Nuclear Weapon

US 'Believes Iran Working On Design Of Nuclear Weapon' -- The Guardian

Reports say Washington distancing itself from earlier intelligence assessment suggesting Tehran had suspended work on weapons designs.

The US believes the official intelligence assessment of Iran's nuclear programme is wrong and Tehran is working on the design of a nuclear weapon, it was reported today.

Washington is seeking support for new sanctions against Iran at the UN security council following the expiry of a new year deadline, imposed by the US president, Barack Obama, for Tehran to respond to an offer of economic help and improved diplomatic relations in return for curbing its nuclear programme.

Read more ....

My Comment: The Bush administration were adamant in their belief that Iran was developing nuclear weapons .... and were criticized for it by the politicians who (and this is the incredible part) now run the U.S.

It figures that it is the Guardian that is pointing this out .... not a main stream U.S. news source.

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