Saturday, January 2, 2010

Is There A Rebellion In The U.S. Intelligence Services Against President Obama?

Backlash: Agency officials are angry at the president's about face

Spy Chiefs Turn On President Obama After Seven CIA Agents Are Slaughtered In Afghanistan -- The Daily Mail

Barack Obama was accused of double standards yesterday in his treatment of the CIA.

The President paid tribute to secret agents after seven of them were killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan.

In a statement, he said the CIA had been ‘tested as never before’ and that agents had ‘served on the front lines in directly confronting the dangers of the 21st century’.

Read more ....

My Comment: I suspect that there are many in the CIA and other Intelligence Services who are frustrated with the politics that is coming out of this White House. Since the inauguration of President Obama, the President has made it very clear that business is not going to be operating as usual. The closing of Gitmo, the selection of a prosecutor to investigate CIA violations of torture protocols and other regulations, rivalries between different Agencies, calls for the resignation of Homeland Secretary Napolitano, the selection of a CIA Director whose sole qualification to be Director is his loyalty to the Democrat Party .... these actions (plus many more) .... are having the accumulative affect of undermining morale within the many Intelligence Services, and projecting the wrong image towards our enemies.

So .... are the spy chiefs in rebellion mode? Hmmmm .... you betcha.

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