Saturday, January 2, 2010

Al Qaeda Makes A Direct Threat To The U.S. Navy

USS Cole after it was attacked.

Disturbing Direct Mujahideen Threat Against US Navy -- Information Dissemination

Just in case you were not paying attention to the threats issued by Al Qaeda in Yemen to the Navy, or didn't think it was serious, it turns out there is a lot more.

If you have a membership, see this Dec 31 MEMRI blog entry. If you don't, check out this post over at Scoopdeck. Here is a portion of a jihad forum posting on Wednesday last week (between the first and second official threat), translated by Richard Wachtel of MEMRI and reported by Phil Ewing at Scoopdeck.

“To this end, information on every U.S. naval unit – and only U.S. [units]!! – should be quietly gathered [as follows:] [the vessel's] name, the missions it is assigned; its current location, including notation of the spot in accordance with international maritime standards; the advantages of this naval unit; the number of U.S. troops on board, including if possible their ranks, and what state they are from, their family situation, and where their family members (wife and children) live;

Read more ....

My Comment: This is very serious stuff .... kudos to Information Dissemination for pointing out this story.

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